Clueless in Congress

US Capitol - Govt photo Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 6.38.15 PMKathleen Parker’s September 29 column offers unintended insight into the bizarre mind of at least one Republican congressman.

Complaining about the sophistication of the Freedom Caucus – the group that played a role in pushing out Speaker John Boehner – this unidentified House members says:

“These are the guys who couldn’t get a prom date. . . . They’d rather rape and pillage than do the hard work. They can’t get to first base much less hit a home run.”


Against a backdrop of ongoing accusations about the GOP’s “war on women,” you’d think every member of Congress would be minding their words – if not their thoughts.

Apparently not.

And one more sign of cluelessness, this is a quote he offered up to a female columnist.

The Freedom Caucus also isn’t doing anything to break the impression that the GOP is a Good Old Boys party.

Formed in January 2015 by 9 conservatives – all male, there’s now only one woman out of the 37 members.

Author: Kate Karpilow